Beta-1 Selective Blockers

  • Do not usually block beta-2 receptor sites, including sympathetic bronchodilation 
  • Preferred for patients who smoke or have asthma, obstructive pulmonary disease, or seasonal /  allergic rhinitis

  • HTN
  • angina
  • some cardiac arrhythmias
  • open-angle glaucoma

  • brady, heart block
  • shock, CHF, hypotension

  • COPD
  • DM, thyroid disease

Adverse Effects
  • CNS: Fatigue, dizziness, sleep disturbances
  • CV: Bradycardia, heart block, CHF, hypotension
  • Resp: Sx in resp tract (range from rhinitis to bronchospasm)
  • GI: N/V, diarrhea
  •  libido and impotence

  • absorbed from GI
  • metabolized in liver and are excreted in the urine


Atenolol (Tenormin)
  • Tx MI, angina 
  • most used drug in its class for HTN


Drug Interactions
  • ↓ HTN effects w/ clonidine, NSAIDs, rifampin 
  • ↑ toxicity IV lidocaine if given w/ these drugs
  • ↑ risk orthostatic hypotension w/ prazosin


Nursing Mgmt for All A&B Agonists
  • Check apical pulse before PO admin, esp. in pt receiving digitalis (both drugs slow AV conduction)
    •       If < 60 bpm, withhold dose & consult physician
  • Monitor apical pulse, BP, respirations, & peripheral circulation throughout dosage adjustment period. Consult physician for acceptable parameters. 
  • Sudden d/c of drug can exacerbate HTN, angina, & precipitate tachycardia or MI in pt w/ CAD, & thyroid storm in pt w/ hyperthyroidism – due to being hypersensitive to catecholamines

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