
  • Block only the muscarinic receptors in the PNS and cholinergic receptors in the SNS 
  • Act by competing with acetylcholine for the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor sites 
  • Do not block the nicotinic receptors 
  • Actions:
      - ↑ HR
      - ↓ GI activity
      - ↓ urinary bladder tone & function
      - dilate pupils


  • decrease secretions before anesthesia
  • treat parkinsonism (by blocking the stimulating effects of acetylcholine)
  • restore cardiac rate & BP s/p vagal stimulation during surgery
  • relieve brady s/p hyperactive carotid sinus reflex
  • relieve pylorospasm & hyperactive bowel
  • prevent S&S of motion sickness & vomiting
  • relax biliary and ureteral colic
  • relax bladder detrusor muscles & tighten sphincters
  • help to control crying or laughing episodes in pt w/ brain injuries
  • relax uterine hypertonicity
  • help in the management of peptic ulcer
  • control rhinorrhea associated with hay fever
  • antidote for cholinergic drugs and for poisoning by certain mushrooms
  • ophthalmic agent to cause mydriasis or cycloplegia in acute inflammatory conditions 

  • glaucoma
  • stenosing peptic ulcer
  • intestinal atony, paralytic ileus, GI obstruction
  • severe ulcerative colitis
  • toxic megacolon
  • prostatic hypertrophy, bladder obstruction
  • cardiac arrhythmias, tachycardia, myocardial ischemia
  • impaired liver or kidney function 
  • myasthenia gravis (Low doses of atropine sometimes used in MG to block unwanted GI & CV effects of the cholinergic drugs used to treat it)

  • pregnancy & lactation
  • HTN
  • spasticity, brain damage

Adverse Reactions:
  • Weakness, dizziness, insomnia, mental confusion, excitement
  • blurred vision, pupil dilation (w/ photophobia, cycloplegia, ↑ IOP)
  • Dry mouth, altered taste perception
  • possible tachycardia & palpitations
  • Urinary hesitancy and retention
  • nausea, heartburn, constipation, bloated feelings, paralytic ileus
  • ↓ sweating & an ↑ predisposition to heat prostration 

  • ↑ effects w/ antihistamines, antiparkinsonism drugs, MAOIs, tricyclic antidepressants (all have anticholinergic activity)

  • Well absorbed & Widely distributed throughout the body
  • excreted in the urine
  • Crosses blood brain barrier



1. Atropine

  • Depresses salivation and bronchial secretions
  • Dilates the bronchi
  • Inhibits vagal responses in the heart
  • Relaxes the GI & GU tracts
  • Inhibits GI secretions
  • Causes mydriasis 
  • Causes cycloplegia (paralysis ciliary muscles)

  • ↓ secretions (before surgery)
  • bradycardia
  • pylorospasm, ureteral colic, relaxing of bladder
  • emotional lability with head injuries
  • antidote for cholinergic drugs
  • pupil dilation 
  • Parkinsonism 

  • Blurred vision, Mydriasis (pupil dilation), Cycloplegia (↓ accommodation reflex), Photophobia 
  • Palpitations, bradycardia 
  • Dry mouth, altered taste perception 
  • Urinary hesitancy & retention 
  •  sweating (predisposition to heat prostration)

2. Dicyclomine
- relaxes GI tract; Tx hyperactive or irritable bowel

3. Glycopyrrolate (Robinul)
- adjunct therapy in Tx ulcers

4. Propantheline (Pro-Banthine)
- adjunct in Tx ulcers

5. Scopolamine (Transderm Scop)
- dec N/V associated w/ motion sickness

6. Tiotropium (Spiriva)
 -Tx bronchospasm/COPD


Nursing Mgmt
  • Assess & monitor:
  •     CV & Respiratory 
  •     CNS (LOC, orientation, reflexes) 
  •     GI (Constipation)
  •     GU (Urinary retention)
  •     Renal 
  • Monitor for dry mouth & difficulty swallowing
  • elderly & children more susceptible to adverse effect - reduce dose (constipation, urinary retention, heat intolerance, and confusion)
  • BUT don't use Dicyclomine w/ kids
  • Teaching:
   - void before taking med
   - dry lots of fluids
   - avoid hot temperatures
   - safety precautions for dizziness/blurred vision


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