Nonselective Alpha Agonists

  • These drugs bind to alpha receptors 

Adverse Effects
  • CNS: anxiety, restlessness, depression, blurred vision/light sensitivty (from pupil dilation)
  • CV: arrhythmia, ECG changes, BP changes 
  • GU: dec UO, difficulty urinating


1. Phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine)
  • potent vasoconstrictor – works on alpha-1 receptors
  • has little to no effect on heart & bronchi

  • Parenterally: shock/shock-like state, SVT, prolong local anesthesia, maintain BP during spinal anesthesia use
  • Topically: ophthalmic; to  IOP associated w/ glaucoma; dilates pupils during eye exam or surgery
  • Nasal Spray: used topically to treat allergic rhinitis & receive Sx otitis media
  • Other: Intracavernosal Phenylephedrine is the drug of choice & first line Tx of low-flow priapism b/c it has almost pure alpha effects & minimal beta activity

  • essential HTN
  • used in many OTC meds, may cause inadvertent OD

  • fear, anxiety, restlessness
  • headache, nausea, pallor
  •  urine formation


2. Midodrine (ProAmantine)
  • orthostatic hypotension (non-responsive to normal therapies)
  • works on alpha-1 receptors


3. Clonidine (Catapres)
  • centrally-acting alpha-2 agonists (stimulates A2 CNS receptors)
  • they are hypotensive agents –  HR, inhibit NE

  • indicated for essential HTN
  • epidural infusion for Tx chronic pain in terminally ill adults
  • can be used to treat high BP, ADHD, anxiety/panic disorders

  • do not stop suddenly! - taper over 2-4 days
  • fall risk (monitor BP closely - esp. w/ postural change)

  • hallucinations, bad dreams
  • headache, sedation, fatigue
  • dry mouth, dec sexual function
  • N/V, constipation
  • can cause extreme hypotension, brady, HF


    Nursing Mgmt
    • Monitor VS, cardiac status, orthostatic hypotension 
    • do not stop abruptly! – can cause rebound HTN, arrhythmia, flushing
      •        must taper over 2-4 days!
    • avoid extravasation 

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