Nonselective Beta Agonists

  • These selective for beta receptors
  • ↑ heart rate (+ chronotropy), ↑ contractility (+ inotropy), ↑ conductivity (+ dromotropy)
  • bronchodilation
  • ↑ blood flow to skeletal muscles & splanchnic bed
  • relaxes uterus
  • (most drugs in this class at beta-2 selective, used to manage asthma, bronchospasm, COPD)
  • drugs in this class end in -terol (exception: terbutaline)

  • asthma, bronchospasm, obstructive pulm conditions
  • relaxation of uterus

  • pulm HTN
  • halogenated anesthesia (sensitize heart to catecholamines) 
  • eclampsia, uterine hemorrhage, intrauterine death, pregnancy or lactation

  • DM, thyroid disease
  • vasomotor problems
  • heart disease, stroke, renal disease

Adverse Effects
  • restlessness, anxiety, fear
  • tachy, palpitations, angina, MI
  • difficulty breathing, cough, bronchospasm
  • N/V, anorexia
  • may cause pulm edema, sweating, pupil dilation
  • sweating, pallor

  • Rapidly absorbed after injection
  • Metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine
  • half-life usually < 1 hr


1. Isoproterenol (Isuprel)
  • nonspecific beta agonist
  • usually reserved for emergency use due to numerous AE
  • given IV or injected

  • Tx shock, cardiac standstill, heart block in transplanted hearts
  • prevention bronchospasm during anesthesia
  • Tx bronchospams


2. Albuterol (Proventil)
  • Tx & prevention of bronchospasm
  • inhaled


Drug Interactions
  • inc risk AE when combined w/ others meds in the same class


Nursing Mgmt for Beta Specific Agonists
  • baseline assessment of VS, ECG, UO
  • labs: renal & hepatic function, blood glucose
  • monitor for therapeutic & adverse effects 

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