Nonselective Alpha & Beta Blockers

  • These are non-selective drugs.
  • competitively block norepinephrine at alpha & beta receptors
  • called sympatholytic drugs b/c they lyse or block SNS effects to prevent S&S associated w/ sympathetic stress reaction
    •       ↓ HR &  BP
    •        renal perfusion &  renin levels

  • primarily used to treat cardiac conditions i.e essential HTN (usually adjunct w/ diuretics)

  • brady or heart block
  • shock or CHF
  • pregnancy & lactation

  • bronchospasm & resp distress
    •        (due to loss of NE bronchodilation effects)

Adverse Effects
  • arrhythmia, hypotension, CHF
  • pulm edema, bronchospasm, dyspnea
  • dizziness, vertigo
  • insomnia, fatigue
  • N/V, gastric pain

  • Well absorbed
  • Metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine & feces

1. Amiodarone (Cordarone)
  • antiarrhythmic agent 
  • reserved for emergency use


2. Carvedilol (Coreg)
  • indicated for HF, MI, HTN, left ventricle dysfunction


3. Labetalol (Normodyne)
  • indicated for HTN
  • control of BP in pheochromocytoma 
  • used for clonidine withdrawal HTN

Nursing Mgmt for All A&B Agonists
  • monitor diabetic pt closely: these drugs also mask S&S hypoglycemic & hyperglycemia
  •        priority for diabetic pt is to monitor glucose over pulse; priority for most pt on adrenergic blockers is to monitor pulse 
  • monitor vitals + blood glucose + liver/kidney function
  • educate pt about AE, re-educate diabetics about glucose monitoring
  • find out pt herbal drug use:
    •        Ginseng =  anti-HTN effects (risk hypotension, CNS effects)
    •        Xuan shen, nightshade =  HR (risk severe brady, reflex tachy)
    •        Celery, Xuan shen, coriander =  glucose (inc risk hypoglycemia)
    •        Saw palmetto =  risk urinary tract complications

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