Nonselective Beta Blockers

  • competitively block beta receptors in SNS
  • its therapeutic effects caused by beta-block in heart & juxtaglomerular apparatus 
    •        (-) inotrope, (-) chronotrope, (-) dromotope 
    •        this leads to  arrhythmia,  cardiac workload,  O2 consumption
    •        & dec BP b/c juxtaglomerular cells not stimulated to secrete renin
  • drugs ending in -olol

  • Tx cardiac conditions – HTN, angina, migraine headaches, preventing re-infarction after MI
  • off label: anxiety/stage fright

  • brady, heart block, shock, CHF
  • COPD/asthma (blocks dilation)

  • diabetes (blocks normal S&S of hyper-/hypoglycemia)
  • thyrotoxicosis (b/c blocking effects on thyroid gland)
  • hepatic dysfunction

Adverse Effects
  • brady, heart block, hypotension, arrhythmia, HF
  • bronchospasm, cough
  • fatigue, dizziness
  • sleep disturbance, depression
  • N/V, diarrhea
  •  labido, dysuria
  •  exercise tolerance / can no longer "get-up-and-go"

  • Well absorbed from GI tract
  • Metabolized in the liver

1. Propranolol (Inderal)
  • Patient teaching required:
    •       teach pt to take pulse / take pulse before taking med
    •       teach pt it blocks S&S hypoglycemia
    •       teach about compliance &
    •       teach that abrupt d/c can lead to withdrawal syndrome (tremors, sweating, headache, malaise, palpitation, rebound HTN, MI, life-threatening arrhythmia)
    •       teach about postural hypotension 


2. Sotalol (Betapace)
  • indicated for life-threatening arrhythmia & maintenance of sinus rhythm w/ AF or a-fib pt


Drug Interactions
  •  effectiveness w/ NSAIDs
  • blood glucose changes w/ diabetic meds & insulin
  • HTN may occur if given w/ clonidine


Nursing Mgmt for Nonselective Beta Blockers
  • if used LT, do not stop abruptly! (receptors become hypersensitive to catecholamines) – can cause rapid inc BP →  MI / stroke
    •        should taper over 2wks
  • labs: liver/kidney function, thyroid function, blood glucose

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